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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  January 16, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PST

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it measures brain wave asks eye movements. they are dreaming among other things. slope experts said it could cause health problems like insomia. >> thanks for joining us. >> thanks, american news head quart ares starts right now. thank you, guys. fox news alert. count them, three different hearings on obama care focusing on the sign are security for welcome to hq, i am alisyn camerota. >> and i am bill hemmer. the obama health care site is no safe from a hacker than when it was launched three months ago. mike emmanuel is live and listening to the hill. what did you learn, mike? >> reporter: outside security computer experts call the security around minimal and shameful. the obama administration said there are no confirmed breaches or hacks of the obama care
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website, but the truth is, according to one security expert, he said the government doesn't really know. >> the security operation center as of november 17th was not built or implemented and if they didn't have it built to detect the attacks that are mentioned here today. to reempsideways they don't know. >> they don't know and that's why they say they don't know. and they are not in the position to know. >> reporter: that expert said he and others are convinced is a massive concern for security. they tried to reassure law makers that the system has a clean bill of health after the obama site passed security tests. ngiven the positive result of the security ark sessionment, the ability to complete comprehensive security testing, i would recommend it to be given
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a new authority to operate when the current authority expires in march. ndemocrats accused republicans of trying to scare the public and keep it away from going to the website. republicans reiterate if there was a hack it would be devastating in terms of the personal information out there. and experts say those who developed the website did not consider security a priority. >> got to get it right. thank you mieshgs. >> law makers hearing from cyber experts who raised red flags about before it was launched and were dismissed. republican congressman jason cha ffa ez. thank you for being with us. nglad to be here. >> when did you learn today? >> that is right. you had the chef security officer dealing with. this we heard testimony from three today.
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none of them would sign off on the security perimeters and yet health and human services launched it anyway. they refused to sign off and yet it was launched anyway. >> why did they do that? why when cyber experts raised concerns, they were dismissed? >> they had not done the, they had not completed or done certain segments of the security testing. they didn't try it or so if the locks were working properly. i asked one of them for instance if the secure socket layers and how the jafa script was working. she had no clue or idea. i asked her what percentage of the data going across the line was encrypted in the beginning and how much now, she didn't know what secower socket layers were and that scares the living daylights out of me. you better have that stuff encrypted as it goes cross the wire. >> was it your conclusion that
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the administration was so concerned about meeting the deadline and getting it on line, that they ignored the soiber security issues? >> they blew right by it. they didn't have time to do the testing let alone figure out what the results of the testing were. to the point that chairman smith made a hearing, they didn'ts iniallyine know what was happening or not happening. this is going on for a long time. i don't have the confidence they resolved that if they can't softball and tell us that 100 percent of the data is going through a secure socket layer. ntoday as we speak, if you are feeling that is not secower? >> it scares the living daylights out of me. i had a chance to do it in person. you are combining the irs, health and human services, health care information and credit card information. you have a lot of personal data.
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we have a single breach of that and it is devastating to a family to get themselves back in order. that's scary. >> congressman, what more information do you need before you take the action? >> we need to understand why and how they made those decisions. secretary sebelius tried to portray it as if it was a law. that is not the law. but somehow they blew past the security perimeters and testing and said we are going to launch anyway. that never happen before. that is a testimony that we heard from the three withins and the over sight committee and we need certification about the ongoing security of the information. >> do you want to interview secretary sebelius or are you looking for answers elsewhere? >> i want results and the truth. the secretary has to take responsibility. but when you have sitting before you three people who's have the title chief in their name. and information and security in
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front of you and none of them can give you definitive answers about how the secower socket layer works or ja va script, we have a problem. >> congressman, thank you for bringing that today. >> thank you. >> republicans calling for an investigation of the investigators. recent claims from obama care officials that criminal charges in the case involving the irs and tea party groups to be unlukely. chris wallace. host of fox news sunday. >> good afternoon to you, bill. >> republicans will say they are not taking this seriously. they have levelled that charge. do they have a point? >> well, let's say this. the wall street journal broke the story on monday and reported that law enforcement officials that the fbi was unlikely to bring charges in the irs scandal. it broke last april and may,
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when we found out that the irs has been targeting groups seeking tax exempt status but not doing it even handedly. it was overwhelmingly conservative groups with tea party or patriot. this investigation has been going on since then. attorney general holder announced it would happen and the wall street journal on monday said according to the fbi fib said no criminal charges and it raises the question of why not. it may be for a technical reason but it raises the question. and darril issa, the house chairman has asked for an investigation of the lead investigator, a woman named barbara bosserman that has ties and connected with the democratic groups in the past. >> jay sekelow is a lawyer who
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represents conservative groups. he has yet to find one liberal group to get the same scrutiny. the numbers were like 292 to 8. he said he hasn't found the eight. and i am wondering whether or not they exist? >> well, i saw the same list you did, and there were a few groups in there. but according to the wall street journal report earlier this week, fbi officials, it sounds hard to believe, but they haven't found evidence of criminal political bis and the bureaucrats didn't know what they were looking for. but for a group seeking tax exempt status, it couldn't have undue political activity. it seems curious as you point
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out. whether 292 to nothing or eight, it was skewed against the tea party groups. >> let me clear, criminal charges appear unlikely as we mentioned, but the civil case will proceed. >> i want to ask you about benghazi. also earlier today. darril issa, after the senate bipartisan report came out, this is what he said about the motivation for the white house to carry on the story about a video. >> they continue to try to spin this for whatever reason, first to help the president get reelected and now perhaps to help bolster the myth that hillary clinton was a good secretary of state. and when in fact, we didn't do well and we haven't done well under her leadership. >> he went forward, chris, without being prompted with
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hillary clinton. her name was mentioned one time in the report and so what happens now in a political sense with the story and her do you believe? >> let's point it out in terms of the report. the bipartisan report doesn't mention the secretary of state. it will be involvement and benghazi. not mentioned once. only time she is mentioned is in a republican only written appendix and notes the fact that she is ultimately responsible for the death of those four people. you know it will come up if she decides to run over the course of three years. her failure of the lack of warnings and what difference does it make that infamous video tape. that will come up in republican attack ads. >>a statement from diane feinstein, if you are laying blame on her, don't.
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there is a democratic defense of hillary clinton. chris wallace, good to have you in from washington. we'll have more from the benghazi report and the missed opportunities that could save the lives of four americans. we'll get reaction from casy mcfar land. >> what is believed to be the only american prison of war. sergeant bieringdal held five years now and what his family are saying about the pictures. >> the nasty blizzard shutting down parts of the major highway and people are warned not to drive. >> and get off of the roads. there is no reason you know, to risk your life or anybody else's life for it. okay, listen up! i'm re-workin' the menu.
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mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. nutrition inharge™.
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are you flo? yes. is this the thing you gave my husband? well, yeah, yes. the "name your price" tool. you tell us the price you want to pay, and we give you a range of options to choose from. careful, though -- that kind of power can go to your head. that explains a lot. yo, buddy! i got this. gimme one, gimme one, gimme one! the power of the "name your price" tool only from progressive. >> there is a blizzard making travel dangerous for many. whiteout conditions closing a section of the highway. in the state of the north
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dakota. blizzard warnings for sdmem safety is the top priority there. you pull over and stop. and use common sense like you drive i car. worry about the people around you. it is not so much your equipment. but people who have kids and your family. pull over and get off of the road and stay at a truck stop-and-go have a salad. >> and the weather shutting down schools including two large universities. >> we turn to the bliterring report on benghazi. a group of senators concluded that the death of four americans was preventible and source security lapses up & during the attack are to blame. he is senator lindsay graham on the senate floor this morning. >> the president has consulted with the security time about the threats we face in the world we
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are ready. this is on september 10th. what does this report tell us about september 11th? we were so far away from being ready that it is unnerving. so there is a lot to be asked. why would somebody in the white house issue a statement on ten september talking about being ready for any contingency anywhere and basically assuring the american people that the president is on top of this, when clearly he was not? . >> casy mcfar land. joins us. kt great to have you here. it is so much in the with respect and it is packed. one of the first thing the report does debunks the troubling notion that there was a stand down order of some couped issued. in fact in the report, i can read for everyone. the committee explored the idea of stand town and some members
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expressed frustration that they were unable to respond more quickly to the commission compound. the committee found no evidence of intentional delay or obstruction or any other party. so if that is the case, why weren't those fast teams, the response teams, why weren't they deployed. >> no one was talking to anyone about this. the state department didn't tell the military that they had a secret facility with the ciowa a. they were not sharing the information that an attack was imminent sxcht so the military didn't have what they needed to do a rapidresponse. and no one talked to anybody. a decade after the original september 11th and the same problem persists and i read the report, it is a bombshell. it said the deaths and attacks were preventible. and that means four people died that didn't have to die.
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and while we know what happened. we don't know why or who? >> there is another excerpt. obviously there are questions why ambassador stephens didn't have more security. he decloined two specific offers from general carter ham, then head of a fricomin the weeks before the terrorist attacks. why would he not want additional -- >> he didn't want additional guys in military security. what he was asking for and his people were asking for state department security officers. and so it is not like he said i am fine and don't need. it he said i want this kind. >> he wanted more local security and the problem is, they couldn't find enough local people that they could trust. and yet we anyhow there were the attacks that were planned to happen. >> the report is described even
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by people involved as exhaustive. are there more questions? >> this report is exhaustive in stating what happened. state department department talk to the pentagon sxcht the pentagon was not talking to the intelligence community. we just don't know who and why? who decided not to tell the military that there was an imminent threat? who decided not to tell the state department and cia that that a facility was doing something as a consulate and not just issuing visa. >> doesn't the cia disclose that stuff? >> yes. you don't have things operating and not knowing what is going on. no one explained what the consulate was doing. they issue visas and they look for lost luggage. they were paramilitary units. >> will we get more answers or does this put an end to something?
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>> i am sure a lot of people hope it is the end of something. but we need a special prosecutor and dedicated committee. i was in the white house in watergate. the administration hopes this is it. and done no one faults and everybody's fault and no one is held to blame. it is encumbent on congress to say four people died. we don't know who made the decisions that were so bad and we don't know why. we need a special prosecutor or committee that has subpoena power and cut deals and get whistle blower protection without that it dies. >> there is braking news. edhenrow just asked jay carney why congress was sent the text of the iowa ran nuclear agreement and told not to make the details public. and carne responded part of the ia ea agreement. some parts would remain secret but carne said a detailed summary of the text will be released. what do you think of some parts
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secret and the whole iran deal. >> it is a single most important policy. does iran get nubbings or not? if it is secret, i don't think we have a lot of confident. from a guy who said if you want your health care plan you can keep it. secret agreements have led no place but war. it is important to know what is in them. >> kt. thank you for your expertise. >> is there new hope for a family of a american prison of war held hostage by the taliban for five years now. live from the pentagon details on. that >> and his wife left an important item in the rental car. >> this is not the item you want to forget. but forgetting is not a crime. 
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a rental car customer in florida speaking about something left behind by an nfl player's wife. lauren tan authority nehill wife of ryan rented a car and just two hours later brought the car back along with a surprise. she left behind an a r semi-automatic rifle. it was disturbing find. i am glad that somebody had a little kid didn't find it. or a criminal oh, great a gun and now i can do something with it. >> police say it is not a crime to forget the weapon. >> what's. >> and we were thinking. we were thinking. what is the most important thing you have left behind.
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>> send me a tweet@bill hemmer. >> and to me@alisyn camerota. and truthful the best one in the end of the program. >> we'll verify. >> we will. >> there is new video emerges from sergeant bo bergdahl. he was captured in 2009. the pentagon said it a pores that he is not in very good health. what do we know, jennifer? >> allyson as you can imagine, it is heart breaking for sergeant bergdahl's parents who was held five years and america's only living prisoner of war and this is the first video they have of him in three years. he's held by a faction of the taliban based in afghanistan. bo's parents issued the statement. we request his cantors to release him safely so he can be
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reunited with his mother and father. if you so this. remain strong through patience and your endurance will carry you to the finish line. breathe. >> and that is according to his parents. bowe locks like he is in decloining health and it appears to be shot after nelson mandela's death last month. if the obama administration fails to negotiate a security agreement with afghanistan that would allow u.s. troops to stay in afghanistan next year, this could hamper the u.s. military's ability to bring sarge bergdahl home alive. and one of the least noted passages in the book duty. he talks about iran's attempt to scuttle the agreement with iraq and forced the u.s. to take out the troops. the iranian brigga dier general was arrested for bribing iraqi
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legislators with 250,000 each to vote against the sofa. standard of force agreement. if it happens in afghanistan, it could be difficult to rescue america's only living pow. >> next hour gretchen will speak with colonel that is a spokesman of the family of sergeant bergdahl. >> new video and made by the crews who responded to the airplane crash that san francisco when a 16-year-old passenger died. >> and who was the obama administration enlisting to help obama care to appeal to younger people? the nba all-star is just one of them. >> i was in the top of my game and i felt invincible and i went for my team physical, it turned out i had serious disease and it was time to treat it and i was insured. it is so important that now you can get affordable health
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coverage in the new health insurance marketplace. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] you don't have to be a golf pro to walk like one. ♪ when you walk 10,000 steps a day, its the same as walking a professional golf course. humana, proud supporter of health and well-being. of their type 2 diabetes with non-insulin victoza®. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar, but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza®. he said victoza® is different than pills. victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once-a-day, any time, and comes in a pen. and the needle is thin. victoza® is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight.
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this is after the headlines. police in san jose california arrested a man who is responsible for setting a dozen fires in a week in homes and businesses that were targeted there. >> it is a scary deal. 34 nuclear launch officers implicated on cheating on a nuclear missile test. and three others suspected of
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cheating are under scrutiny in connection with illegal drug use. this took place in six bases. >> and twin polar bear cubs born in berlin looking at the world. they are making good progress and exploring their home. >> adorable until they rip off your face. >> first words gut know ta. >> you never know when you are going to need. it young people think they are super man and like nothing is going to happen to them. but trust me, one day, something is going to happen and you are going to need a quality health plan and so make sure you get obama care. >> the white house is debuting new a ds featuring alongzo morning and maguc johnson to encourage young americans to sign up for obama care. >> it is part of a campaign that
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will run in the nba games. here to talk about that. gentlemen, good day to both of you. hoops going to do it? >> celebrity culture gone wild. it is crazy, isn't it? >> and these two guys ironically are walking and living proof that we have the greatest health care system in the world. magic johnson is hiv positive for 22 years and alongzo mourning had a kidney transplant and obama care is doing is dismantling the greatest health care system in the world. in celebrity land this is what we do. their point is thank goodness they had health insurance. you don't think that is effective for young men? >> young men don't generally use the health care system. and a federal man date to send in equivalent for a car payment for a car they never get.
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it will be a great tutorial for bad government for people in 20s when a federal government comes along. get a bmw or obama care? they are not likely to need health care and furthermore since the preexisting clause is in there, if they she show up with a terrible disease they can sign up on that day. >> richard, from what i read, the government spent 650 million on the low end in marketing for the law. if it is so good, that is a lot of money. >> but bill, it is communicating it out to the general public. if you ask any young person who got cancer or hiv aids. they would rather have life saving drugs than a bmw. th of saying thank god i had health
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insurance and i had the ability to get what i needed and the treatment to keep me healthy and that's why this law is soective and going to work and 30 percent of the enrollees are young people already. >> chris, this is targeted not just at young people but young men who can be fairly cavaliar about the health care. do you think it will reel people in. when they get there they may experience sticker shock. but do you think that will convince the young men? >> i suppose in the celebrity culture that we unfortunately live in it might steer them to at least the website where they can put out all of their confidential information and there is no security on the website and when they find out what they are required to pay every month, i think people are just going to be shocked by. it >> wait a second. >> they are paying for somebody else. wait one second.
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we have seen every president. fdr used celebrities to promote savings in the great recession. this is sewn over and over again. presidents use celebrities to get the message out to the american people. it is more than a website. it is getting folks to the doctor. >> what if this works. pomillion for the a d spot and not to mention tens of millions before. what happens when you say. we crossed a billion in marketing for a law? >> it is not going to happen. 1 and, 2, on top of that it is a part of the pr campaign and have to educate the american people about the process. same thing with george bush with medicaid part d. you have to educate the american people and how they get it and get access to it and run of the mill and government advertisement to get the american people involved. that's all it boils down to.
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>> there is nothing run of the mill about this as you mentioned, bill. hundreds of hundreds of millions of dollars and a billion in marketing it not out of the question. >> let him finish, richard. >> hundreds of million and more than 650 million in marketing and it is because they are selling a product people don't want. if people wanted it and medicaid part d was not a national man date for everyone person in the borders of united states of america. that make its different. >> richard you will be down for obama care and bill the bmw. >> i will take obama care. >> thank you. >> and obama administration wants to change military's veterans file for disability. they are outraged and it is a seismic change that will hurt the american heroes. peete, good dow day to you. >> what is the rub? >> as a veteran you could file a written letter to the
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department of veteran affairs and at that moment benefits are retroactive. the va will create a standardized complex form that must be filled out correctly when submitted in order for that process to start. it is put on the backs of veterans and general omar bradley of world war ii fame, he had a test that said he would give to his employees. we are dealing with veterans and not procedures and dealing with their problems and not ours. this new change violates that. it is a procedure that brakes down customer service that doesn't exist in the va and trying to solve the problems of the department of veterans affairs on the backs of veterans hoisting responsibility on them. >> you think the administration wants to hurt veterans? >> no tis top down bureaucratic solution to a department that is mired in bureaucratic. >> that can be true we need
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reform on that. >> which is why our organization is working to advance legislation to bring overdue accountability to the employee. it is impossible to fire them and bonus are begin out in hospitals where veterans are doing. we just pump more and more money and more procedures on top and who pays for it? the veteran who waits longer and gets poorer care. >> we have the most advanced fighting force in the world when you are in battle. when you come home what are you left with? >> basically we hand you a agency stuck in the paper and pencil age and you are left waiting in line just for an answer. it is an opaque bureaucracy. va is so far behind the curv e it is bszing. it is about accountability and efficiency which is what they it are not.
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>> can you change this? >> it is government. top down government is never as efficient as the private sector in delivering these things. can you change cultures, absolutely. it takes leadership in the top. and at the same time it takes the ability as a manager to create incentives that bring efficiency. that doesn't exist and washington and congress need to wake up. if they want to serve the vets they can bring accountability to break down the barriers to the dead wood at the va that is not helping the veterans and creating more delays and back logs. concerned vets for america will be at the forefront of advancing that. >> they are lucky to have you. thank you. disturbing new video to show you from the asiana plane crash. this could change everything for families looking for answers. >> it was a joyous ocaution and
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the return trip was just a chamber of horrors and turned their whole life upside down.
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fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that parker. well, did you know auctioneers make bad grocery store clerks? that'll be $23.50. now .75, 23.75, hold 'em. hey now do i hear 23.75? 24! hey 24 dollar, 24 and a quarter, quarter, now half, 24 and a half and .75! 25! now a quarter, hey 26 and a quarter, do you wanna pay
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now, you wanna do it, 25 and a quarter - sold to the man in the khaki jacket! geico. fifteen minutes could save you... well, you know. >> bad news for the u.s. army. one killed and two injured on board of a army helicopter that experienced a hand landing in the air fold in savannah. it is brand new information here on hq and when we get more we'll give it to you. one dead and two injured late last night. quick check for gretchen carlsson in the real story. >> hi, bill. can anything stop hillary clinton 2016? what about the new benghazi report. and college lower for kids today. but administration opposes school vouchers for kids on the way to college. exclusive interview with an iraqi war vet a chance encounter with a cab driver changed his
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life forever. jim ha rborough. learns the answer from his wife. we'll hear that. >> it was $8 slacks. >> they have pletes. my question to you hmmm, do you plete? >> no. absolutely not. >> thank you, gretchen, 14 minutes away. >> new video just released from the aftermath of the asiana plane crash in san francisco and shoes the mistakes that may have led to the death of a 16 year old survivor. video of a helmet cam showed one person did see the girl on the ground outside of the plane. she had survived the impact and was alive only to be killed minutes later when two fire trucks ran over her. we'll have the legal analyst. what a tragic story. >> this video is key to the case that the plaintiffs are bringing
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a wrongful death case brought by her family. this is exhibit a to see that camera. to paint the scene more. she was down and got out of the airplane. she got out and she's down and alive, and they said first she was covered with foam. >> not at first. >> when the first fire truck. not. they ran by her and five fighter jet didn't check her voilths signs and one truck ran over and still alive and another truck ran over her again. nin the lawsuit, can the firefighters, you can so they claim they were busy putting out the fire and more catastrophic had they not stopped to takened to that. >> that's what they would say. you should not assume that she was dead. and now, shouldn't they have more people and supervisors
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there? that is a lame excuse to be able to say we got to the plane rather than taking care of a person who was clearly alive and machine fire guy could have peeled off and took care of her. >> in the legal claim her parents say her death was avoidable and accused firefighters of deliberately and knowingly abandoning the girl in a spot. >> and making the whole thing about the foam. >> we couldn't see her because she was covered in foam. but in the beginning, she was not covered in foam. she is a 16-year-old girl. look at that in front of the juriy, damage is overwhelming. >> the second time she was covered in foam. the foam is now thick there surroundingly the plane. but the partners said they knowing he abandoned her, how can they prove that. >> that would be tough.
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they can't prove they knew she was alive. on the other hand, they didn't check her voilthss. they didn't do the basics. to go over and touch her and make sure she was dead which she wasn't. and a guy could have peeled off and taken care of her. >> i wonder why. they are the first responders and they are so trained to put out the fire and maybe they never trained for a situation like this. >> if i am looking at this in front of a juriy and i come to the conclusion they didn't do a good job at least not for this little girl. >> bill, what is coming up? >> oscar nominations are around. did your favorite movie or actor or actress make the cut. who is flying high other than sandra bulllook in gravity. >> don't wait for us. hands down. stand down.
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john kerry on syria. >> we all agreed the purpose was specifically and solely to implement 2012 geneva 1. that sole purpose could not have been more clear at the time this was announced and it could not be more clear today. it has been reiterated in international statement after international statement. venue after venue. resolution after resolution, including most recently paris, last weekend, when both the london 11 and russian federation
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reaffirmed their commitment to that objective, thetation of ge. for anyone seeking to rewrite this history or to mud y the waters, let me state one more time what geneva two is about. it's about establishing a process essential to the formation of a transition government body, governing body, with full executive powers established by mutual consent. that process, it is the only way to bring about an end to the civil war that has triggered one of the planet's most severe humanitarian disasters and which has created the seeding grounds for extremism. the syrian people need to be able to determine the future of
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their country. their voice must be hard. any names put forward for leadership of serious transition must according to the terms of geneva one and every one of the iterations of the heart and soul of geneva two, those names must be agreed to by both the opposition and the regime. that is the very definition of mutual consent. this means any figure deemed unacceptable by either side, whether president assad or a member of the opposition cannot be a part of the future. the united nations, united states, russia and all the countries attending know what this conference is about. after all, that was the basis of the u.n. invitation sent individually to each country. a restatement of the purpose of implementing geneva one.
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attendance by both sides and the parties can come only with their acceptance of the goals of the conference. we, too, are deeply concerned about the rise of extremism. the world needs no reminder syria has become the magnet for jihadists and extremists. it's the strongest magnet for terror of any place today. it defies logic to imagine those whose brutality created this magnet, how they could ever lead syria away from extremism towards a better future is beyond any kind of logic or common sense. so on the eve of the syrian opposition coalition general assembly meeting to decide whether to participate in geneva, the peace conference, the united states for these reasons your honor a positive vote. we do so knowing that the geneva peace conference is not the end
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but rather the beginning. the launch of a process, the process that is the best opportunity for the opposition to achieve the goals of the syrian people and the revolution and the political solution for this terrible conflict that has taken many, many, many too many lives. we will continue to push in the meantime for vital access to humanitarian assistance. i talked yesterday with foreign minister lavrov in an effort to push harder for access to areas where the regime played games with the convoys, taking them around the circuitous route instead of directly in the way the opposition had arranged for and was willing to protect them in. it is important there be no games played with this process. we will also continue to fight for cease-fires.
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we will continue to fight for exchange or release of captive journalist, aide workers and others to try to improve the climate for negotiations. obviously none of this will be easy. ending a war and stopping a slaughter never is easy. we believe, though, this is the only road that can lead to the place where the civilized world has joined together in an effort to lead the parties to a better outcome. to the syrian people, let me reiterate. the united states and international community will continue to provide help and support as we did yesterday in kuwait where we pledged $380 million of additional assistance in order to try to relieve the pain and suffering of the refugees. we will continue to stand with the people of syria, all the people, in an effort to provide
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them with the dignity and the new syria which they are fighting for. thank you. as i said, i'll be happy to answer questions tomorrow. thanks. >> all right. so no questions there. secretary kerry a strong statement on syria. three big issues to keep an eye on. the refugee, potential for foreign fighters and breeding ground in syria and ongoing civil war the world has literally stood around and watched for the better part of two years. >> this is an unusual state department appearance by secretary kerry there, at least a speech, he said we stand with the syrian people and the pain and suffering the refugees have endured thus far and will continue to support them. >> that is breaking news from the state department. we are out of time. we'll see you friday. have a great day. >> i'm alisyn camerota. "the real story" with gretchen carlson starts now. >> thanks, guys.
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today on "the real story," replace obama care. speaker boehner made those comments saying gop would present a new plan soon. those details. plus, amazing stories of an iraq war vet and amputee, a chance encount we are a cabdriver and how it changed his life. that vet joins us with a powerful story you don't want to miss. this baseball coach suing one of his 14-year-old players over a victory celebration. why? we'll tell you. hi, everyone. welcome to "the real story." i'm gretchen carlson. the white house saying it will release a summary of the agreement today, this after sending the full text to congress. some critics are skeptical how much you can learn. ed henry just out of the white house briefing. what did jay carney say about all this? >> gretchen, it's interesting. we just learned a short time ago the actual text of thi


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